Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Prosecco Margaritas

Prosecco  Margaritas 

It's Tuesday at noon and I all want to do is take a nap! We had a super fun jam packed three day weekend but, I am really worn out and we may or may not have made quite a few pitchers of these Prosecco Margaritas over the long weekend!!

We were at a wedding in Birmingham and our friends made a comment in passing about Prosecco Margaritas and I swear, I couldn't stop thinking about them! So a three day weekend felt like the perfect time to try them out!

 I love making drinks like this in a big batch or pitcher so I don't have to run back to the kitchen and mix all the ingredients every time you need a refill or two! We love a good drink with lots of layers of flavors and Jon always says a two part drink is only for emergencies... But, it does require a little extra work so we found a big pitcher is just the answer! 

I hope you get to try this out on a hot day and share it with family or friends! Enjoy! 

3 ounces Patron Silver or your favorite Blanco Tequila ( or a little more depending on how strong you like it!)
3 ounces Cointreau 
4 ounces Simple Syrup
8 ounces lime juice ( you gotta go fresh real lime...it makes all the difference)
1 750ml bottle of your favorite dry Prosecco
Lime wedges for garnish
Salt to rim the glass

Much Margarita Love,
